Bulk Page Authority Checker Tool

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Page Authority Checker

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About Page Authority Checker

The Ultimate Meaning of Page Authority Checker

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a multifaceted domain that needs a lot of policies, plans, and monitoring to make a website or web page ranked thru search engines. Besides other strategies, domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) are other valuable measurements to monitor and track the ranking of web content as it gives insight into the website performance to forecast its ranking success. Both of these measurements are easily computed through utilizing domain authority and page authority checker tool.

Page Authority Checker Tool:

Page Authority is a standard developed by MOZ and calculated by page authority checker tool to calculate the prospect ranking of a particular web page across search engines; it forecasts how the particular web page will rank in search engine results. Page authority checker evaluates score by using a sophisticated algorithm and score out of 100 on a logarithmic series.

How Page Authority Checker Tool Works?

Page authority checker tool requires the web page URL and calculates page authority using an algorithm, explicitly based on variables, for example, mozTrust, Linkscape web index, mozRank and link counts. The greater the page authority score, the higher the chances of a particular web page to rank well in search engine results. 

Page Authority (PA) score of a web page fluctuates frequently; there are some online tools available to check the authority of a web page. PA checker includes a lot of factors to compute the score, mentioned below are a few of significant factors to increase the page authority score:

First, the most crucial factor is high-quality content; search engines always prefer those web pages with quality content, not just content stuffed with keywords. Another key element is to concentrate on the linked profile of a website, getting backlinks from well-ranked websites counts massively in computing PA score. Page authority and overall search engine optimization (SEO) can be improved via gaining links from well-ranked websites.

In addition to text, another part is to make use of relevant graphics and images in content, text without graphics looks boring to viewers and they don’t like reading prolonged text without useful, relevant graphics and other images.

Domain Authority Checker Tool:

Domain Authority is a standard developed by MOZ and computed by domain authority checker tool with the intention of calculating the likelihood ranking of a website across search engines; it foresees how well the website will rank in search engine results. Domain authority checkers determine score usings a multifaceted algorithm and score out of 100 on a logarithmic series.

How Domain Authority Checker Tool Works?

This tool needs URL of a website and calculates domain authority using an algorithm based on a significant number of metrics and projected score is calculated out of 100 on a logarithmic series. The domain authority algorithm involves following metrics to check the authority of a domain:

Domain Age:

The first and foremost most important parameter in computing domain authority is the age of the domain, as age stipulates search engines that how reliable the following domain is. Search engines always prefer old domains over new ones and rank old domains higher.

Outbound Links:

Outgoing or outbound links is a factor included computing a domain authority score, who do you, consider worth linking to and have links to authority websites.

Incoming Links:

The quality and the number of incoming links also have a strong impact on domain authority score and can be improved through receiving quality backlinks.

Link variety:

Another aspect included in computing domain authority links variety/diversity, and it is better to achieve less number of links from a broader collection of quality sites than to have a massive number of inbound links from insignificant websites.

Page Rank:

Page rank is also part of DA computations.

Traffic Metrics:

Traffic metrics involves numerous visitors on the website, time spent on the page by visitors, the number of page views per visitor and the bounce rate of the users, all of these aspects are involved too in computing a domain authority score.

Software & Hardware Metrics:

Software and hardware parameters are also part of domain authority algorithm to check DA; it involves uptime, server response time, broken links and code errors.

Value Dispersal:

Value dispersal metrics checks how many web pages are useful from the total number of site pages.

Check Page Authority With Moz

The authority of a web page is perfectly estimated by Moz, which will notify you how a website will perform in search engines.


They combine the power of your web page with other metrics such as the number of total links and domain authority with the intention of determining how authoritative your website is. The Moz has involved machine working in contrast to Google algorithms to display how search engines have resulted.

Around 40 signals are computed. The authority is calculated on a 100 points scale. The website with higher points for example 10 or 20 will not be a good score. However, if your site is ranked in the 90s, then you have a greater rank. The metric system considered as one of the most consistent tools for ascertaining the success of a website. Use SERPs tracker to check the position of your keywords in search engines. PA is a sign proposed by SEOmoz to reflect the authority of a site.

Page Authority (PA) which is calculated numerically from 0 to 100, with 100 the greatest authority equivalent to the credibility or quality of a website. For practical reasons, it can be considered another sign of popularity, similar to Page Rank, though the latter considered the official, being preserved by Google.

At that point, you will wonder if the Page Authority influence number of visits and the answer is yes. If you do not believe of this: people incline to visit the websites of good reputation, specifically if finding for information on sensitive issues such as news or health where reliability is necessary.


Unlike other SEO techniques, Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) are hard to optimize quickly as they include of numerous aspects, PA/DA of any website can be improved through optimizing all the factors.

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